My Favourite Window

February 13, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere

Maybe that title is a bit insensitive considering the flooding in England. Still it was a thought that crossed my mind last night driving through a torrential downpour in Rangiora, where the gutters were having trouble draining away the deluge. Many street corners were awash - though not needing boats to navigate them ...

I couldn't help thinking of the last few days of my extended summer holiday last year, spent by the sea...

Where tradition and modernity get on with their watery business;

Where reflections may or may not be of the watery kind;

And where boats ply watery streets as a matter of course.

Venice of course.

Wherever water is causing hardship and heartache, may there be relief and a safe haven not too far away.


Steve said...

Ironically my parents are off to Venice today for a week's holiday. I have made the point to them that they could have saved a deal of money and travel time by driving down to the Somerset Levels...

rusty duck said...

Venice looks beautiful. I could have lingered in that cafe for hours.

Cro Magnon said...

I've always wanted a house with a stream or river running at the bottom of the garden. As yet I have still to own one.... probably not such a bad thing!

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

Steve: Indeed! Hope they enjoy themselves in Venice all the same.

rusty duck: I certainly felt that way - the heat was just right, there was no flooding, it was all I had expected of it and more.

Cro Magnon: Now come on - you have a tower! A stream can certainly be a mixed blessing, but I do enjoy my ephemeral one - that's an official term for a natural run off around here.