the Fifth of NovemberThe Gunpowder Treason
and Plot,
But that was yesterday,
and today
- 6 November -
I remember that Elwin has been gone two years now.
How we danced together;
Working-late for Carters Steam Fair;
And those Towpath parties;
Remember how you sewed lace on our wedding morning ...
Remember our weddings;
And our anniversaries
Remember how you would make music anywhere
... and on anything, even dandelion stems!
Remember birthdays in exotic places;
Remember patient Mary and our Irish caravan holiday.
Remember making babies
and watching over them through their growing years.
Remember those last precious weeks with you ...
That was a lovely post, Jeneane. Jx
Oh thank you Rusty - searching through our old photos today brought back lots of fond memories, but I also find it hard to believe that we were so adventurous! You have that streak too; I can tell:-)
What great photos and memories - thanks for sharing.
The Narrowboat 'Ben' looks wonderful - we had four narrowboat holidays (our favourite) but only on commercial hire boats - mainly on or near the Llangollen canal.
Susan Heather: You've been over the Llangollen aqueduct then, which is more than I have. Would still love to see it up close. Actually living on a narrowboat, with work in Oxford, meant we didn't travel the canal system as much as we thought we would when we first bought the boat. So doing the hire tripping is a good way to get around the canals of Britain.
nice memories nicely told
Glad you appreciated it John - thank you. xx
How beautiful, am sure this post would make him very proud. xx
Yes Saj, lots of good memories, and he would certainly be proud of how our daughters are growing up.
That was such a beautiful heartfelt post, with such lovely photographs....Love is there in words and images and how beautiful you look as a bride/partner/mother/friend.
What adventures you have had and what memories you must have.
Oh golly Libby, what a lovely thing to say. I feel a bit weepy reading your comment. Thank you so much :-)
I remember the post when he died, life before that and now this post which says so much about the man who you loved then lost, who is still forever in your head and heart. These are special memories.
Yes Claire, this blog and Elwin's death are all bound up in each other in my mind, along with all those memories...
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