My Favourite Window

July 12, 2016

Peter Pan

Holiday time. And a term of drama school rehearsals comes to conclusion when Peter Pan opens tomorrow.  Yesterday I caught Peter Pan and Wendy out and about in Rangiora!

Today - from the fly floor - I watched everything come together in the final rehearsal. That includes Peter Pan flying above the stage! 

Peter Pan - A Magical Musical 
from the Hartley School of Performing Arts. Rangiora Town Hall. July 13 -16 2016.

July 9, 2016

Fog and Fungus

Get up and photograph the fog, I thought to myself pulling the quilt closer around my neck... But because I left it till the fog was dispersing I was rewarded by sunlight seeping through mist. 

Once I was outside with the camera, the cold didn't matter. It was time to capture this fungus basket before it melted away.

Fungus basket, Tutae whatitiri  Ileodictyon cibarium