Stonehenge indeed.
Cro Magnon from Magnon's Meanderings guessed without conviction, that the scene below
could be the Gallops at Newmarket. Geo over at Trainride of the Enigmas was much closer to the mark even though he lives in California: he guessed Silbury Hill in Wiltshire. So was there someone who knew for sure? I'm not sure that Steve of Bloggertropolis fame knew for sure, but he guessed right! He wins the hand-written letter - not because he bought me lunch in Royal Leamington Spa - but because his guess was spot on. Thanks all three entrants for having a go.
We happened to visit Stonehenge the week they were closing the A344 past Stonehenge. I couldn't quite believe that I had travelled in time, to a long-proposed event I had been vaguely aware of since visiting the site over twenty years ago. For more detailed and stunning shots of the roadworks in this remarkable setting, visit Mike Pitts' Digging Up the A344
In spite of the crowds of people there, I felt that the current layout and route around the stones allowed for clear viewing without the distraction of leaping camera hogs, or distracted cellphone users. The wide grassy sweep with seating also allowed for just sitting and contemplating away from the flow of people.
I remember how excited Kitty was as we breasted that hill showing in my original photo - I was too busy watching the queue of traffic in front of me to realise we'd reached Stonehenge. She tried to show me, "Look at the Stones, look there they are." All I could see were traffic cones and men in hi-vis vests. Of course she would have loved to get close to the sarsen and blue stones,
but finding an Aubrey Hole marker, and being able to pick out the Avenue satisfied the budding archaeologist in Kitty.
Stonehenge on that warm June evening was very hard to leave.
Meanwhile, here in Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden, the Summer Solstice arrives on a gale and I notice the rose petals swirling like snow flakes.